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You can now generate MidJourney images directly on their website

Key Takeaways:

  • MidJourney Bot has expanded access to its web alpha, now open to all users who have created 100 images or more.
  • The new web platform features include the ability to make images directly online and collaborate in early public rooms.
  • The site plans to introduce private and custom room creation in the upcoming weeks.
  • Users can check their image creation count using the /info command on MidJourney Bot.
  • A short video detailing new features is available for users to explore.

As reported in a recent announcement by the MidJourney Bot, the creative platform has opened its web alpha to users who created at least 100 images.

Here’s the actual message:

Feature Announcement!

Heya! We’re opening up our web alpha to everyone who has created 100 images or more (use /info to see how many jobs you’ve made). Check it out at The major differences between this and our normal website are:

  1. The ability to make images on web (click “Create”)
  2. The ability to help test early public rooms and make images together (click “Rooms”). Private and custom room creation will come over the coming weeks.

Learn more about some of the features on the site in this short video. Have fun!

And here’s the video that they linked along with the post (it’s from back in February ’24):